
Yoo Art Space | Seoul

10 MAY 2012 - 23 MAY 2012


Although recognition through the eyes plays a considerable part in understanding the essence of objects amongst other methods, visual recognition could only reach fragments of the truth. Why would only the parts and pieces of the truth or essence be visible? Could what we see be a mere reflection of what we wish to see? Or are we just looking at the surface of objects? Are we deceiving ourselves to believe what we see is the whole truth? These are some of the questions I have, through which I want to tell there is more to what meets the eyes.

My work begins with creating images by drilling holes of various sizes (0.4~3mm) in a black acrylic plate (Plexiglas) or a laminate, and the viewers could see the image through the light over the holes. 

My work using the light (LED) has a high visual effect. Through the splendid imagery, most of the audience will experience the illusion; the brilliant images and light have created. For instance, the “Frame image” works attract prodigious interests from the viewers. They believe they are looking at a frame. It is true. They are in fact looking at a frame. However, strictly speaking, there is not a frame in my work. Only tens of thousands of holes and lights are there.

This is precisely wherein I want to show my viewers the empty spaces hidden behind the glamorous exterior of frames more than the splendid imagery. The more glamorous the frame is the more empty space becomes prominent.

Ultimately, the hollow spaces/holes make an image/frame ─viewers believe that they meet the frame, but in fact, it is hollow space─ and empty space of the interior of the frame, which has actually been blocked, creates an illusion as though three-dimensional-space exists through the fascinating image of the exterior.

And I ask you,
What are you really seeing in your presence?